Holistic & Integrative Medicine
For Infertility (IVF & IUI), Pain Management, Allergy, Detox, Weight loss, Facial Rejuvenation,
Bell’s Palsy, Dry Needle / Trigger Point Therapy, Neuropathy, and Stress Management
Over 20 years practice of experience
301 Oxford Valley Rd, Suite 1605A Yardley, PA 19067
Same-Day Appointments | Call/Text for an Appointment Today:
Now Accepting New Patients for Our Award-Winning Treatment Services
Insurance Programs
BCBS CWA UNITY DIRECT, NJ DIRECT (All NJ State Employees Program)
NJ & PA Public School insurance/NJEA/SEHBP Educators plan
BCBS Horizon Direct Access /Independence Blue Cross /Keystone 65
BCBS Federal Employees Program /GEHA
Veterans Community Plan (Veteran Choice Program)
American Postal Workers Union (APWU)/National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC)
AmeriHealth NJ
UnitedHealthCare (UHC)/ CIGNA/ Magnacare - Qualcare
Worker Compensation/Auto Injury (PIP)
Even if your insurance is not listed above, you may still have coverage.
Contact us at 908-510-1967. To check your heath insurance plan for acupuncture benefits within an hour, please fill out our HIPPA secured insurance form:
You may still have coverage. Contact us at 908-510-1967. To check your heath insurance plan for acupuncture benefits within an hour, please fill out our HIPPA secured insurance form:
Medicaid does not offer acupuncture benefits.
Special Package Prices are available for Anxiety, Bell's Palsy, Endometriosis, Fertility, Gastritis, Insomnia, PCOS, PMS, UTI, POST COVID-19 RECOVERY and/or ADVERSE EVENT OF COVID-19 VACCINE (Tinnitus & Deafness, SOB, Body Pain, Irregular Menstruation) and more.
Please contact us for more information at 908-510-1967.
Our Services
In addition to acupuncture, we also provide a variety of services such as moxibustion, cupping, Tui Na, face rejuvenation, and weight loss care. They are safe and effective methods to prevent and treat disease, reduce pain, balance mood, enhance athletic performance, and improve overall health and wellness.